My Father from Kazakhstan

These four days vacation, we went back to Kaohsiung to visit my grand parents, also cleaning the tombs of the ancestors. My grand parents are so happy to see us that even prepared desserts and foods when it’s 1 am at late night! After the long drive, using up all our strength, all we want to do is going to sleep immediately.
The following days, we went for lessons of equestrianism. At first, I thought it will be really fun if I could ride a horse. After the teacher taught us how to stand up and sit down when the horse is trotting. I only had a thought: Maybe my bones will always be separated if I continuously having this lesson! This is the first day’s condition, after I got some rest, the second day, it was all perfect without any trouble. Teacher let me controlled the horse by myself, I used the reins to lead the directions. It’s so great that I could ride horse, it’s just like I’m the people when it’s 17 or 18 century. And the most impressive thing is, I get along well with animals, using peaceful way. Horses are the animals that close human being much more than other animals. I think, it’s really a breakthrough, riding horse, but learn a lesson.